Article Summaries

Article One – How My Covenants Keep Me Connected to What Matters Most

Eva Thomas, an international student from Manchester, England, studying at Brigham Young University-Idaho, shares her testimony of how her covenants have deepened and strengthened her relationship with Jesus Christ. She reflects on a time when she struggled to stay spiritually strong, feeling distant from God and unsure of how to regain that closeness. Thomas turned to Heavenly Father in prayer, seeking guidance and comfort. She received a clear and unmistakable answer: she was to serve a mission. Thomas shares how her testimony grew as she prepared for a mission, learning more about covenants and rebuilding her relationship with Heavenly Father.


Article Two - A Pattern for Unity in Jesus Christ

President Russell M. Nelson shares a hopeful message in a tumultuous time, emphasizing the Lord’s call for unity. He reminds us of a scriptural command found in Doctrine and Covenants 38:27, where the Lord says, “Be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.” Sharing an example from the Book of Mormon, specifically in 4 Nephi, where the people who lived after Christ's visit to the Americas are described as living in a time of unprecedented peace and harmony. In his remarks, President Nelson highlights several key elements that contributed to this unified society, including conversion, covenants, fairness, equality, helping the poor, obedience, and love.


WCC Open Improv Jam kicks off with a ‘yes, and’


Editing Samples