What Will Ye That I Should Do?
“Therefore, what will ye that I should prepare for you so that ye may have light when ye are swallowed up in the depths of the sea?” – Ether 2:25
The Brother of Jared was a prophet in the Book of Mormon who traveled with his family to the promised land before Lehi and his family came. To travel across the ocean, the Lord asked the Jaredites to “Go to work and build”1 barges that would travel across the sea.
The Brother of Jared had many problems to solve, like how they would steer the barges, breathe while underwater, or see in the dark. He prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered. The Lord told the Brother of Jared that He would command the winds and the seas to steer them. God also told them to cut holes in the tops of the barges to open so they could breathe.
But the Lord didn’t give a solution for the darkness of the barges. He asked the Brother of Jared, “What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels?”2
Sometimes, God doesn’t give us specific answers to our prayers. He asks us what He can do for us. He guides us to come up with an idea on our own. Then, it is up to us to think about what God could do for us. This is what the Brother of Jared did.
He considered how the Lord could bring light, came up with a solution, and returned to the Lord with that solution. His idea was for the Lord to touch 16 stones and make them glow. The Brother of Jared had faith that the Lord would help him.
God did what the Brother of Jared asked. The Lord touched the stones with His hand, causing them to glow. When we do as the Brother of Jared did and ask the Lord, having faith in Jesus Christ, God will answer our prayers. It might not be as miraculous as God causing stones to glow; It may be an idea or a warm feeling in your heart.
How have you seen God answer your prayers?
Note: Some graphic/coloring pages of the 16 stones to cut out and put into barges could be included.